Michael FerrenceEntangledOn my walk into work this morning I heard this beeping sound, like one you hear in a hospital room, the heart monitor or oxygen thing or…Jan 27, 2022Jan 27, 2022
Michael FerrenceD.U.O*Originally released as Serialized Fiction in The Spirit News, December 2016.Jan 24, 2022Jan 24, 2022
Michael FerrenceThe CollisionI told him what a great job of listening he’d done, waiting for me even though he’d been like 50 feet ahead and having so much fun, I was…Jan 24, 2022Jan 24, 2022
Michael FerrenceTHE WOBBLY MOONSI’ve been thinking a lot about life lately, how beautiful it is, how messy it can sometimes appear, how important it is that we block out…Feb 14, 2019Feb 14, 2019
Michael FerrenceTHE ONLY PLACE I EVER WANTED TO BEI ran up 33rd Street, over Girard, took a left away from the city, at the driving range, past the disc golf course, a bird sanctuary and…Nov 2, 2018Nov 2, 2018
Michael FerrenceLONG WAY DOWNI’d been sleeping on my parent’s couch for nearly a year, substitute teaching to make money, but I rejected more assignments than I took…Aug 29, 2018Aug 29, 2018
Michael FerrenceTHE ASTRONAUTI was at a teacher institute all last week, a summer boot camp for literacy, and I saw a keynote given by Jose Hernandez, a…Jun 23, 2018Jun 23, 2018
Michael FerrenceZEITGEISTTrump pitched hotels and real estate to a brutal dictator. That was his approach to denuclearization.Jun 13, 2018Jun 13, 2018
Michael FerrenceBLACK BUTTERFLIESOut the door of my apartment building, down the street to my right. Hello to the neighbor as he walks his bike down the stairs. How’s it…Jun 11, 2018Jun 11, 2018
Michael FerrenceA, B, C, and DThe only things I had growing up were the exact things I needed, unconditional love, absolute freedom, and insatiable curiosity. None of…Jun 8, 2018Jun 8, 2018
Michael FerrenceUNLOCKEDIt wasn’t supposed to happen so soon, surely not in our lifetime, not in our kid’s lifetime either, maybe never, but here we are. I’d…May 29, 2018May 29, 2018
Michael FerrenceINVENTICONAnother interchangeable state last night, some would call it a dream, you could, that’s what it was, but within that dream there was…May 29, 2018May 29, 2018
Michael FerrenceTHROUGH THE WINDOWSJust because I was asleep when it happened doesn’t mean it wasn’t real. It was. I remember it. I felt it. I lived it. I was outside a…May 24, 2018May 24, 2018
Michael FerrenceHOLLOW DOLLThe drive in this morning was a blur. The explanation was two-fold. I didn’t sleep well. Someone was outside our place slamming garbage…May 9, 2018May 9, 2018